Dr. Joe adjusting a Patient


Chiropractic is a hands on approach to healthcare with the primary focus on the efficiency of the nervous system optimizing human health, movement and performance.

Chiropractors are specially trained in the detection of joint subluxations primarily found at the foundation of the human body, the vertebral spine. These subluxations, or joint restrictions, cause local/global inflammation, neuro-muscular insults, and/or joint restriction resulting in dysfunctional movement patterns. Our body may not perceive a joint subluxation as a painful stimuli, therefor, may be unaware of these negative effects causing systemic stress patterns, chronic injuries, and even a decrease in health.

These patterns are identified through a detailed patient interview and series of non-invasive but technologically advanced examinations.  Functional joint patterns are restored by utilizing low force chiropractic adjustments along with a multi-modal health care approach, unique for all cases.

The physiological processes of an adjustment stimulates an array of responses, most understandably the neurological effects on the brain, joint (proprioception) awareness, systemic blood flow, hormones, immune system, and muscular balance.

Chiropractic adjustments are not a cure for disease or illness but is a necessity to allow optimal human body function and resiliency to  environmental stress creating a stronger human frame, system, and performance.